Big Fish Haul Smashes Record. Average Carp Size 38lb.
You wait years to bag your first forty pounder and then loads come along all at once.
Philip Anderson took the lake apart in terms of big carp during his family fishing holiday. Philip and his son James landed 18 carp with a whopping average size of 38lb. Philip banked 6 forties, the most 40 pound carp caught by a single angler. That's great fishing even for France and on this occasion, Phil's wife Tracy was also there to see it.

Biggest Carp of the Week
The first carp was caught just hours after setting up at 9.30pm when Philip landed a 32lb mirror. A really nice fish but he must have wondered whether he was in for yet another session where lady luck consistently kept his catches under 34lb. Happily the second day saw Phil smash his PB with his first ever 40 pounder, a stunning 47lb 8oz mirror, which turned out to be the biggest of the week. He went on to bag 6 forties in total, which is a new lake record for a single angler.

Smallest Carp of the Week
Meanwhile James added a 29lb common, a 39lb mirror and a 26lb common to the tally. Little did they know they had just seen the smallest fish of the week and the morning of Day 3 would herald the start of a big fish bonanza.

James Anderson's Session
Unfortunately James had to leave early owing to work commitments back home, but that didn't stop him grabbing a piece of the big fish action before he left. He added another 39 and a 40lb 8oz mirror to the haul before he had to pack away. Philip was now left with the lake to himself and boy did he take advantage of the fact.

Phil Anderson's Record Breaking Run
Together the guys had already clocked up a total of 3 forties, 9 thirties and 2 twenties, a respectable tally in anyone's book. That's when Philip started yet another haul of big carp, taking another 4 forties in a row, including another 46 and a second carp over 47lb.

Philip Anderson's Record Haul
The list of all 7 forties caught during the week. Philip Anderson becomes the first Oakview angler to bank 6 forties in a week. Between them Philip and James averaged an incredible 38lb for their 18 carp. You can see all of the photos, tactics and full catch list by clicking on the link underneath:
- 1. 47lb 8oz - Philip (PB)
- 2. 46lb 4oz - Philip
- 3. 40lb 8oz - James
- 4. 40lb - Philip
- 5. 47lb 4oz - Philip
- 6. 43lb - Philip
- 7. 46lb - Philip