54 Carp Caught in Record Carp Fishing Week
Carp fishing holiday at Oakview Lake in France produces a record 54 carp. Mick Haynes' personal tally of 43 will be tough to beat.
A carp fishing holiday at Oakview Lake in France produces a record 54 carp. Mick Haynes' personal tally of 43 will be tough to beat. The record breaking week included 39 carp over 20lb and 5 carp over 30lb.
Day Fishing Sessions
54 carp in a week is a big hit in anyone’s book but what makes it interesting is that it was achieved mostly during day sessions. Mick fished at night on just two occasions and his mates Benny and Stuart fished during daylight hours, preferring to make good use of Oakview Lake's accommodation.

Mick takes the individual lake record with his personal tally of 43 carp. Mick is also the first Oakview angler to bank three carp at once, thanks to a little help from his friends.
Lake Record Details
Mick’s personal tally of carp totalled a little under 1000lb. Stuart King and Benny Price added another 11 carp during their sessions to take the week’s tally to 54 carp weighing a total of over 1200lb. That’s a lake record for carp banked in one week and Mick’s personal tally of 43 is an individual lake record.

What Mick Said
Mick Haynes is a modest man who said that it was just down to luck that he happened to be enjoying a carp fishing holiday at Oakview Lake exactly at the right time. It's strange how luck seems to favour exceptional carp anglers!

Mick Lets One Record Go
A fishing holiday packed with carp fishing action usually includes some interesting stories and this one was no exception. One fish Mick caught wasn’t hooked properly, so he didn’t include it in his final total. Had he done so, Mick’s personal catch would have topped a thousand pounds, but he let that record go!
Story of the Week
The story of the week happened when Benny hooked a pike in its side. During the battle to land it, one of Mick’s rods screamed off but it soon became obvious that was tangled with Benny’s line. When Benny eventually landed the unfortunate pike, he found that Mick’s hook had gone straight through the eye of Benny’s hook. What are the chances of that happening?