Top Carp Fishing Tip on Wet PVA bags
A top tip for storing wet PVA bags. Wayne Scott explains the method he came across while he was watching a video made by Ali Hamidi.
During a fishing holiday in France in early March, Wayne Scott takes time out to show how to store wet PVA bags. The bags will not melt even in wet weather. The idea was passed on by Ali Hamidi in one of his carp fishing videos. There is a copy Ali's Masterclass book in the Oakview Lake accommodation for you to browse through.
No More Trying to Keep PVA Dry
All carp anglers will be familiar with the troublesome task of keeping PVA dry in damp conditions. There are few things more annoying than a damp PVA bag melting too early and spilling its contents before the intended time. Avoid the chances of this happening using this method to store wet PVA bags that will not melt before they are supposed to.

Simple Method to Store Wet PVA
Simply take a small tub and add salt water. Leave your particles in the salt water for about 10 minutes before making the PVA bag. Take a handful of the wet particles and fill the PVA bag in the normal way. As long as you don't let them dry out, the ready-made PVA bags can be stored in the salt water until ready to use.

Another Carp Fishing Tip For Making PVA Bags
Antony Nash added another great tip for making PVA bags on the original Youtube release of this video, so here it is again. When making up a PVA bag, tie knots 2cm apart and cut in the middle. That's a knot for the bag you're making and a knot ready for filling a new one.
How Does the Wet PVA Bag Method Work?
PVA melts in fresh water but it will not melt in salt water, so storing wet PVA bags full of particle is simply a matter keeping them in salty water. As soon as the PVA bag enters the lake, the fresh water washes away the salt and the bag starts to melt in the normal way.

Thank you to Wayne Scott for sharing a top carp fishing tip about how to work with wet PVA bags. Lucky Wayne came on a carp fishing holiday at Oakview Lake and even luckier he happened to have watched a particular video made by Ali Hamidi.