Fantastic Week

By Snelson and Moore Family on
Fantastic Week. Fantastic fishing. Fantastic food. Fantastic hosts. Couldn't have asked for more. Don't want to go home.
Fishing Tactics: landed most carp from both margins of the deep bowl. Also caught fish in front of the island and in open water near the edge of the bowl. Fished a mix of boilies (Krill, Cell and Nutcracker) over pellet and particle.
21 carp caught: 8 x 40s, 11 x 30s and 2 x 20s. PBs broken 3 times.
Carp Fishing in France Photos

Anthony Snelson: Carp 47lbs 0oz

Ryan Snelson (PB): Carp 46lbs 2oz

Gilly Moore (PB): Carp 46lbs 8oz

Mitch Moore: Carp 33lbs 0oz

Ryan Snelson (PB): Carp 44lbs 2oz

Gilly Moore: Carp 44lbs 0oz

Gilly Moore: Carp 46lbs 0oz

Gilly Moore: Carp 41lbs 12oz

Gilly Moore: Carp 41lbs 8oz

Ryan Snelson: Carp 37lbs 0oz

Gilly Moore: Carp 38lbs 0oz

Ryan Snelson: Carp 35lbs 8oz

Ryan Snelson: Carp 38lbs 0oz

Ryan Snelson: Carp 31lbs 0oz

Ryan Snelson: Carp 34lbs 0oz

Ryan Snelson: Carp 34lbs 0oz

Gilly Moore: Carp 27lbs 0oz

Ryan Snelson: Carp 29lbs 8oz