Great Carp Fishing Holiday

By Priest family on
Great hosts, great accommodation, great view, great lake and great carp fishing. My son and I both caught personal best forties plus several other twenties and thirties - all beautiful carp in pristine condition. What more could anyone ask for.
We treated this trip to Oakview Lake as a relaxing break, only fishing during the days between 11am and 7.30pm. We are confident that we would have caught even more if we had fished at night and/or early morning sessions.
So thank you Martin and Shirley for providing us with a great holiday and may we wish you continued success in the future.
2 x 40s, 4 x 30s and 4 x 20s + 1 pike fished for with luncheon meat.
Carp Fishing in France Photos

Vic and May Priest

Kevin priest: Carp 41lbs 4oz

Vic Priest: Carp 44lbs 0oz

Kevin Priest: Carp 37lbs 14oz

Vic Priest: Carp 33lbs 12oz

Kevin Priest: Carp 28lbs 0oz

Vic Priest: Carp 33lbs 14oz

Kevin Priest: Carp 23lbs 0oz

Vic Priest: Carp 28lbs 8oz