Great Week Once Again

By Geoff Matthews and Glen Lunn on
Once again a great week and accommodation second to none. Great to see Martin and Shirley again - had a peaceful and relaxing week, apart from being interrupted by the fish! Many thanks, Geoff & Little Wilf.
Fishing Tactics: Boilies and maize.
33 Carp: 2 x 40s, 15 x 30s, 15 x 20s and 1 x 19lb.
Carp Fishing in France Photos

Glen Lunn: Carp 41lbs 0oz

Geoff Matthews: Carp 34lbs 0oz

Glen Lunn: Carp 42lbs 0oz

Geoff Matthews: Carp 34lbs 8oz

Glen Lunn: Carp 32lbs 0oz

Geoff Matthews: Carp 34lbs 0oz